Pg Collective Agreement Tbs

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The PG Collective Agreement TBS: Understanding the Basics

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) represents over 180,000 workers across Canada, including the Professionals and Technical Employees (P&T) group, also known as the „PGs.“ These workers have a unique agreement with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) known as the PG Collective Agreement TBS.

Here are some basics you need to know about this agreement:

What is the PG Collective Agreement TBS?

The PG Collective Agreement TBS is a contract between the federal government`s TBS and the PSAC`s P&T group. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment for these workers, including their pay, benefits, and job security.

These workers include professionals like engineers, scientists, and economists, as well as technical employees like IT specialists, graphic designers, and translators.

What are some key features of the agreement?

The PG Collective Agreement TBS covers a wide range of topics, but here are a few key features:

– Pay: PGs are paid based on their level and classification. They may also be eligible for performance pay, which is based on their job performance.

– Benefits: PGs have access to a range of benefits, including health and dental insurance, sick leave, and vacation time. They may also be eligible for maternity and parental leave.

– Job security: The agreement outlines processes for job classification, staffing, and layoff procedures.

– Work conditions: The agreement covers issues like hours of work, work performance, and work-life balance.

Who is covered by the agreement?

The PG Collective Agreement TBS covers employees who are part of the PSAC`s P&T group and work for federal departments and agencies that are part of the TBS.

This includes employees who work in a wide range of fields and positions, from engineers and scientists to IT professionals and translators.

What else should I know?

If you are a PG employee, it is important to read and understand the PG Collective Agreement TBS. The agreement outlines your rights and responsibilities as an employee and can help you navigate any workplace challenges.

If you have questions or concerns about the agreement, your union representative or HR department can help you understand your options and take appropriate steps.

In conclusion, the PG Collective Agreement TBS is an important agreement for professionals and technical employees who work for the federal government. Understanding its terms and conditions can help ensure fair and equitable treatment in the workplace.

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